Sustainability Insights

Creating Custom Supply Sheds in Sustainability Insights

Regrow recently launched Sustainability Insights, a data and reporting platform that empowers agrifood companies to track Scope 3 emissions, identify opportunities to invest in emissions reduction and report science-based sustainability outcomes.

Scope 3 emissions, also known as value chain emissions, occur from the agricultural production of ingredients and materials that go into consumer-packaged goods. On average, value chain emissions are 11.4 times higher than operational emissions. This is the largest category of emissions for agrifood companies. It’s critical that Scope 3 emissions are measured and accounted for accurately so that organizations clearly understand where actions can be taken to reduce emissions, and also fulfill sustainability reporting requirements with precise data.

Sustainability Insights allows users to access on-field emissions data that is specific to their sourcing regions, and reduces reliance on assumptions, approximations, global averages and generalized database values.

Using Supply Shed Configuration in Sustainability Insights, users can create a map of sourcing regions with the options to:

  • Select geographic boundaries on the map, including states/provinces counties/districts and watersheds
  • Draw a radius around a specific location, such as a processing facility
  • Draw a polygon around the sourcing region
  • Upload an existing .kml or .geojson file of sourcing regions

Regrow aggregates and analyzes field-level data from millions of acres around the world. When a custom supply shed is configured in Sustainability Insights, Regrow generates supply shed-specific data that is then displayed in a visual dashboard of the user's value chain footprint. The dashboard provides data including greenhouse gas emissions, carbon removals, field emission factors and fertilizer emissions factors within each of the user's supply sheds.

For food brands with extensive supply chains and limited crop sourcing traceability, Sustainability Insights unlocks emissions tracking at the supply shed level. It also enables organizations to understand trends in regenerative practice adoption within supply sheds—a major consideration when forming a sustainable sourcing and emissions reduction strategy.

To learn more about Supply Shed Configuration and to see a Sustainability Insights demo, contact our team. For help with configuring your custom supply sheds in Sustainability Insights, please contact support or reach out to your Regrow account manager.

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